Known Issues

When using the method pronunciation

>>> vb.pronunciation("hippopotamus")
[{'raw': '(hĭpˌə-pŏtˈə-məs)', 'rawType': 'ahd-legacy', 'seq': 0}, {'raw': 'HH IH2 P AH0 P AA1 T AH0 M AH0 S', 'rawType': 'arpabet', 'seq': 1}]
>>> type(vb.pronunciation("hippopotamus"))
<class 'list'>
>>> json.dumps(vb.pronunciation("hippopotamus"))
'[{"raw": "(h\\u012dp\\u02cc\\u0259-p\\u014ft\\u02c8\\u0259-m\\u0259s)", "rawType": "ahd-legacy", "seq": 0}, {"raw": "HH IH2 P AH0 P AA1 T AH0 M AH0 S", "rawType": "arpabet", "seq": 1}]'

You are being returned a list object instead of a JSON object. When returning the latter, there are some unicode issues. A fix for this will be released soon.